All That Glitters: The Splendor and Science of Gems and Minerals

by Robyn Hawk on July 7, 2010

All That Glitters: The Splendor and Science of Gems and Minerals takes you beyond the “bling” to see gems as very rare and ancient by-products of the forces that have created our landscape, including right here in San Diego County. It is designed to entice adults and children through beauty, science and fun. Through displays and interactive experiences, visitors will learn about the Earth processes that create gems and minerals.

The heart of the exhibition features gems and minerals of California, including theCalifornia state gemstone: Benitoite, that is extremely rare and found only in San Benito County, California—nowhere else in the world.
  • Explore the Fantasy Gem Pocket, a cave-like space embedded with gems native to San Diego County, including quartz, tourmaline, blue topaz, pink kunzite, and orange garnet.
  • Through an interactive, giant periodic table you will learn how every gem is a combination of elemental ingredients.

(Photos and above text from the museum’s website.)

…if the science isn’t what attracts you and you just want to see some beautiful things…you have to check out the new exhibit at the San Diego Natural History Museum – if only to see the Butterfly Brooches: Created by Buzz Gray and Bernadine Johnston, 13 butterfly brooches set with rare gems such as Vietnamese spinel, rhodocrosite, stibiotantilite, benitoite, alexandrite, Mexican fire opal, pearls from Baja California, topaz, rainbow moonstone, sapphire, and more.
Stay tuned to this blog for a full report on this exhibit.

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