Green quartz is commonly being called green amethyst

Green quartz is commonly being called green amethyst

I think this article may start a firestorm among the gemologists and other jewelers who are very careful to refer to each stone with the correct terminology. However, the term green amethyst is literally all over the Internet. The only thing we can do now is to try to educate the public to keep them from buying a gemstone under false pretense.

This article attempts, in layman’s terms, to let the public know that green amethyst is a misnomer and that green amethyst is simply a heat-treated quartz gemstone that has been turned green.

Read more about the sources and various terms for green amethyst


Daniel R. Spirer began in the jewelry industry as a teenager and now owns a successful independent jewelry design business. In this interview, he shares his attitudes and advice on prospering in this industry in good times and through economic downturns. His advice is to look past the economy and to develop solid customer relations based on trust and a good product with high perceived value.

Read more advice from Mr. Spirer on prospering in the jewelry business


Advice for New Artists: More on Exhibiting at Art Festivals

October 12, 2008

This is part 2 of “Art Festival Pitfalls to Avoid: For New Exhibiting Artists.”  This article alerts you to physical challenges that art shows pose. It helps newbies prepare for long hours, bad weather, robbery, picking the right show at the right time, and other pitfalls. This article will help you learn what to expect […]

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Art Show Pitfalls to Avoid For New Exhibiting Artists

October 4, 2008

During my seven years of exhibiting at art shows in Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado, I learned some things that I wish I had known before I started. I hope that I can help newbies avoid some of the costly mistakes I made and make better choices upfront. This information covers only the negative aspects of […]

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