New Fire Agate Blog

by on March 10, 2012

Fire Agate Gemstones

Here is a nice selection of Slaughter Mountain, Deer Creek and Cavillo Fire Agate Gemstones.

Here is my first blog post 🙂 It may take me a little bit to figure out all the options available to me here, but hopefully I’ll be a blog pro in no time.

 This blog will mostly be devoted to my fire agate passion, which started when I recently moved from Alaska to Arizona. Arizona is a wonderful State, much warmer than Alaska <grin>, and has this great mineral material called fire agate (I had never heard of it before moving here). After a few rockhounding trips of mostly just picking up pretty Calcedony I actually found some with fire inside, I was hooked on fire agates ever since.

I’m currently in the process of putting up a Fire Agate related website at and am learning to carve fire agates. I’ll likely be adding quite a few posts here about my attempts at carving fire agates, they are a challanging stone to carve.
Owner of Providing quality fire agate gemstones, lapidary carving rough, mineral specimens and jewelry for the retail and wholesale markets. To help educate and bring awareness of Fire Agates to the world.

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