Cicadas and Fireflies

June 18, 2008

At Penland these past couple of weeks, I was taking a class called Enameling; Image and Word with a focus on Haiku writing. We had to write five haikus a day. We picked the ones we liked most from each day, and ended up creating a one of a kind book that went in the […]

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Artists: contact your representative!

June 17, 2008

There is currently a bill in Congress to change the way tax deductions for donated artwork work. Currently, if you donate a work of art to a museum, library, or other non-profit organization, you can only deduct the value of the materials. That means that the 40 hours you spent with planning, construction, tweaking those […]

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2nd Feature!

June 14, 2008

Wow; by a stroke of luck while I was away on vacation I got a second feature by Amy Esther on her blog In the Night Kitchen!.This time, the feature was for my Nuclear Earrings.Thanks Amy!

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Like a dream

June 13, 2008

Watercolors are an art medium I’ve always wished I’ve had more skill with, but everything I seem to make comes out like a 5 year old did it. Not Redheathers’s fashion sketches though. This woman looks as though she’s walking straight out of a dream and into reality.

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Long time no type

June 11, 2008

Wow! So the last month or so has been crazy busy for me. First I have the Etsy Dallas BBQ, which was awesome, and on that same weekend there’s a conference at my job so I was working double hours for that.Then, the very next week after that, I took a 2 week class as […]

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Beer-B-Q Tomorrow

May 18, 2008

Since I’ll be up late tonight preparing for tomorrow’s Beer-B-Q, I thought I’d post this lovely treasury created by Sadiesthings of Etsy Dallas. Also, I happen to be in it, front and center, which is pretty sweet so a big thanks to Sadie who also happens to make lovely jewelry!! I did manage to take […]

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If I were on a picnic…

May 16, 2008

If I were out on a picnic, instead of working Reapercon, then I’d have to wear… A classic lacy headband by Cozy: A lovely blue dress by Funky Junk Jewls: And some long ornate earrings from AncaNY: Hopefully I wouldn’t mess it all up by eating fried chicken!

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Busiest weekend ever!

May 16, 2008

So on top of the Etsy Dallas Beer-B-Q that is happening on Sunday, this weekend happens to be Reapercon 2008. This means that I’m working extra hours at the convention while still trying to get all of my work finished for the sale. So far I’ve completed several necklaces, and many earrings, and I’ll hopefully […]

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Huzzah for free beer!

May 5, 2008

So right now I’m gearing up for the Etsy Dallas Beer-B-Q coming up in a couple of weeks. This will be my first time participating in an Etsy Dallas event, and since we’ll all be selling our jewelry I’ve been working on building up as much stuff as possible. If you’re looking for more information […]

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Black Widow

April 29, 2008

So one of the guys at work today opened up a box of stuff he was going through and found this inside it. Rather than just smash it, I decided to save it and see if I can set it in resin for a necklace or ring. They said they seem to find them fairly […]

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