by francescavitali on August 7, 2009
Yesterday I decided to give FACEBOOK a try for promoting my paper jewelry work.
I have created (not without any problems…eheheh dyslexia made its appearance-see photo below!!) my FAN PAGE…for those of you who don’t know what a fan page is, check this link out!
And feel free to become a fan 🙂
Is it worth it?
I’ll let you know soon…one thing I know for sure, my friends support busted my self confidence, which is something that can never hurt!
By the way if you are thinking of starting your own fan page check out this video, especially the part about the SEO, I found it clear and easy to follow.
by francescavitali on June 1, 2009
The SNAG crowd migrated to the Philadelphia Museum of Art for a special night where we had the pleasure to attend the Jewelry in Motion 2009 (show curated by Gail Brown) in combination with the wonderful Cezanne and beyond exhibition.
The first was a delightful catwalk performance of worn pieces of jewelry by 34 artists.
It was rare opportunity to see the pieces displayed on the body, some of the pieces were worn by the artists and all the models performance was absolutely fantastic!
For the complete list of artists and their links see here.
The second is an exhibition that features Cézanne work, displayed alongside works by several artists for whom Cézanne has been a central inspiration and whose work reflects, both visually and poetically, Cézanne’s extraordinary legacy.
I must say, I really enjoyed the evening and the Jewelry in Motion show, but some of the criticisms I’ve heard was that the show did not have enough metal work per se, instead fiber was the main protagonist of the evening. I personally love the cross contamination of fields, but I can see the point of these voices. Any comment on this topic is more than welcome!