Grisaille: having fun with the Pre-Raphaelites

by catherinecrowe on October 6, 2009

As I explore grisaille enamel – I thought I would experiment with pre-Raphaelite style, as it seemed particularly suited to grisaille. I found this image of a Dante Rossetti painting in a book about the Saints.

grisaille enamel Joan of Arc

grisaille enamel Joan of Arc

grisaille enamel Joan of Arc

grisaille enamel Joan of Arc

grisaille enamel Joan of Arc

grisaille enamel Joan of Arc

grisaille enamel Joan of Arc

grisaille enamel Joan of Arc

grisaille enamel Joan of Arc

grisaille enamel Joan of Arc

grisaille enamel Joan of Arc

It’s amazing how pervasive this image of the warrior woman is. It has always been particularly inspiring to me, much more so than ‘mother and child’.

I am SO enjoying painting. It’s very satisfying. I can also complete a grisaille in a day, while champleve takes me six days before I see the results. I have some more cloisonne projects ready to go, so I will be posting them soon.

(first posted to




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{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Lynn Vernon October 8, 2009 at 10:30 pm

You are obviously a very talented painter! Beautiful replica.

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