YOJ09-15 Beaded Puff Heart Pendant

by diannekargbaron on April 12, 2009

in Year of Jewelry 2009

YOJ09-15 Beaded Puff Heart Pendant

Beaded Puff Heart Pendant (2009)
Sterling silver & gold-filled beads, fishline
L 2.8 cm x W 2.5 cm x D 1.0 cm
Beaded, right angle weave

This week’s project is part one of a larger piece I’m working on for an HSTA faculty exhibition to be held at the Rails End Gallery in July.

This is the first time I’ve ever tried my hand at straight beading, and I have to say that I’ve developed a very healthy respect for the people who do this type of work.  This heart was created using a pattern by “Laura” published on the 3DBeading.com site.  I initially had the foolish idea to try it using wire, but gave up after about 5 steps.  Fishline is definitely the way to go. I would love to repeat this pattern using rubies, but there’s no way to thread the fishline into the itty-bitty holes the multiple times the pattern requires.

It turned out a little bigger than I originally wanted, but the impact on the overall design will be minimal, and may actually make the final piece more interesting.

More photos:

YOJ09-15 Beaded Puff Heart Pendant

YOJ09-15 Beaded Puff Heart Pendant

YOJ09-15 Beaded Puff Heart Pendant



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