34 Years of Ornament Magazine–Robert Liu and Carolyn L.E. Benesh-Co-Editors

by fortheloveofjewels on March 6, 2008

Robert Liu and Carolyn Benesh
Ornament magazine celebrates its 34th year, celebrating and studying how we, as human beings, adorn ourselves today and in the past.
Here’s what co-editors, Robert Liu and Carolyn Benesh have to say in the magazine about their vision:
Ornament celebrates a unique art because its context is the human being. Our creative energies are drawn from an appreciation that what we make to adorn ourselves is a beautiful and meaningful expression of life. Our vision is rich in contemporary, ethnographic and ancient history, anthropology and archaeology. We believe that we can help sustain a healthy and compassionate society when we know more about our and other cultures. As a respected international resource for over thirty years, Ornament encompasses the world. From the beginning, we set ourselves the exciting challenge of documenting the art and craft of personal adornment. Ornament demonstrates the richness and diversity of this vast subject with a stunning display of creative works.With informative profiles, we support emerging and established artists in jewelry and wearable fiber who create artworks that stimulate and invigorate us today and are a profound and exquisite legacy for the years ahead.
Knowledge shapes the present and future. We renew our bonds both with the recent past and antiquity, revealing or tracing historical roots and customs, aesthetics, materials and technical processes. Ornament exists to educate and inform.
Here’s to 34 more years!



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