The Eagle has Landed

by waynemiller on April 14, 2009

I have just returned from a West Coast adventure,it started a few weeks back at the Craft Show in San Francisco,Fort Mason center.I did the show for one of my designers who was ill last year,so I thought I would check it out this year. WOW There was a good crowd,but very few sales,some of these artists have been on the road for years,and were very disappointed this year.

So off I go .I traveled up and down the west coast talking to many retailers,wholesalers and even a few small manufactures. The general consensus,sales are down dramatically,foot traffic has grind to a halt. I am a optimistic person,but hearing and seeing these artists trying to make things happen was sad. I had one Jeweler telling me that they are out sourcing to other countries to save a dollar.That upset me. One artist that I met was sending in to the refiner her completed designs to melt ,just to pay the bills,I noticed that she had a Brand New Kerr Auto Electro-Melt Furnace for sale. These cost upwards of $ 1500. I purchased it for $ 850.00 to help her out,I don’t need one,but I will try and turn it for what I bought it for.

I am spending hours and hours trying to digest all of the info obtained on my trip. I woke up at 2:30 one morning with a plan to help some of these hard working Goldsmiths. I have a plan that will work.In my future posts I will share that vision with you.My routine will be checking Blogs every day in the early morning. Stay tuned. The Eagle has landed.





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Mold Shelves

by waynemiller on February 11, 2009

Mold Shelves
Mold Shelves

One Rack can hold over 675 molds. Simple,easy to get to.

In case of Fire Molds are the first thing you get out.

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Repairs are Paying the Bills

February 11, 2009

I have watched a couple of jewelry stores go out of business in the last two months,these guys have been around for years. What happened ?? These guy’s have made a lot of money selling to tourists. No tourists no sales. These people have forgotten the locals.What I have been doing over the last ten […]

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How it all began

February 5, 2009

Our Name, Gold Venture. We are a small Manufacturing shop,located in the heart of Gold Country,Grass Valley California. My name is Wayne Miller. I am 58 years young. I started playing with Gold in 1984.In my previous years I was a heavy equipment operator,digging in the dirt,moving mountains. In 1980 right after Mount Saint Helen’s […]

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