That big faux bone ring

by lynneglazzard on January 22, 2010

Here is another view of one of the rings I posted yesterday.  I don’t really like the finished thing but it has been  an interesting exercise in working out how to construct and assemble it.  First I roughly cut the circle in the faux bone.  I then measured it on a ring mandrel and used that as my ‘size’ for the art clay silver ring.  I rolled out the strip for the ring band and made the ring with the texture on the inside (it has text inside the band) and set it aside to dry.  I then rolled out a sheet of clay and textured it to match, cut the side plate, dried it and assembled and fired the art clay silver.   I had also made a little art clay silver stamp – this is my initials in reverse done with a photo polymer plate and it had a short post with a knob on it.  After firing I added a pin to the back of the plate using osp and re-firing the ring part with the post supported in a bit of kiln fibre, so that I could use the pin as a rivet (it shows on the previous picture).  I cut the texture on the top surface where the ‘signet’ is using a graving tool, the other marks are made using a file I have forgotten the name of (bought it from Robert Dancik).  I drilled a hole to take the peg of the signet and warmed the faux bone up so that I could push it in and it is held securely.  Filed the end of the peg smooth then inserted the silver ring into the faux bone.  I have used a bit of expoxy resin to stick the two sections together as didn’t think the one rivet would really be enough – may have been if the fit had been really tight!  I then coloured the faux bone using alcohol inks and sanded then back to re-expose some of the white surface and sealed it with renaissance wax.
It has a small area cut out on the other flat surface where I put bits of gold leaf embedded in UV resin – the whole thing is really too messy for my taste but I have learned a lot in making it.



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Joy Funnell January 22, 2010 at 5:18 pm

Oh ta. Complicated!! I think I get the idea though. Facinating. I really love the top the best around the signet. Looks great.

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