Creating My Website
Originally Posted: November 2, 2008
I think its appropriate that my first blog be about creating my first website, which I am doing right now. I decided it was best to get a website up, even if its not perfect, because this way at least people can see my work and contact me. I am using iWeb, which is fairly easy to use, but has some quirks I have yet to figure out. Another challenge will be to get this info from iWeb onto my Internet website. I am definitely not a computer geek, so I will need to figure out how to do this. By the time you read this I will have successfully achieved this goal. See it at
QUOTE OF THE DAY: Whatever you can do or dream, begin it. —Goethe
Originally posted: November 3, 2008
After 2 months of very intense work at business set-up, and getting jewelry items made, I was in my first juried art show on September 6-7, 2008. It was quite an exciting endeavor for me. Special thanks go to my husband Dave, who created the PVC pipe booth frame for me from plans purchased from Jewel Hut.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another. –Helen Keller
Setting Goals
Originally posted: November 10, 2008
In the process of starting a business, you get your fingers into EVERYTHING. Sometimes it is overwhelming, trying to keep it all organized. This weekend, I finally put together one of my old stand-bys, the goals list, or the “to do” list. I already have one for my business, but this new one is for my personal goals. I find that I have spent so much time on getting my jewelry business started that I have neglected to continue learning how to play my new piano. I am also a budding watercolor artist and that has been put on hold. Now I am going to make sure that I “schedule” weekly goals for each of those areas, including home and personal. I find that if I have the ability to look at a list and check off something I’ve done, I feel a great sense of accomplishment. I believe this will help give secondary goals more prominence in my day, while not affecting my jewelry business goals.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “The secret of all victory lies in the organization of the non-obvious.” –Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor)
Originally posted: November 27, 2008
It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving if we didn’t reflect on what we are grateful for. I’m grateful for family, especially my husband Dave, and our 2 cats Sierra & Sequoia. We are thankful for our health, a roof over our heads, food on the table, and a steady paycheck for Dave. I am also grateful for the many opportunities that I have had in my life to pursue different interests. This year brought about the start of my business, Lynn White Jewelry, and I look forward to many years of designing and creating beautiful handcrafted jewelry. I hope that this creative pursuit brings as much joy to others as it does to me.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His love endures forever” -Psalm 107:1 NIV Bible
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- 1st blog entries from LWJ website - December 4, 2008