I’ve come to know many artisan entrepreneurs who, like me, push themselves to the outer limits of their physical and emotional endurance in order to see their businesses succeed. Some of them may read this post. Well today is national Bubble Bath Day! What better excuse to pamper your weary body and mind than by taking a few minutes to soak in a great bath?
Why not rejuvenate today with a soothing soak using your favorite aromatics or make your own? There are hundreds of recipes online for everything from handmade body scrubs to personalized bath oils using your own mix of essential oils.
Fresh out of college, I was blessed to represent one of the world’s finest cosmetics and perfume manufacturers and that early training spoiled me. By the way, I wanted to be a scientist, so don’t even ask why I was sent to Cosmetology School in the first place 🙂
But long story short, to this day I remain addicted to the sheer decadence & joy of indulging in great cosmetics, skin care, perfumes and body products.
It’s fabulous sampling world class toiletries when they’re being provided free of charge. But now that I’m back in the real world and have to buy my own, I make wise investment choices concerning these luxury items. Especially given that over the intervening thirty years retail prices of luxury toiletries have skyrocketed. So these days I tend to hoard them more than I should.
Take for instance these great bath bombs. They soothe the skin and bubble away for up to ten minutes in a warm tub giving off a delightful essence and contributing to an absolutely wonderful & relaxing tub experience. I found them online at $12 for a set of 6. But I paid $5 each at a resort spa. So I’ve hoarded them. Well guess what? Today I plan to use them just to celebrate National Bubble Bath Day!
If you can’t afford a full fledged spa experience, what about lighting a few cheap candles and just soaking in epsom salts? To be honest, nothing soothes my aching fibromyalgia muscles better than plain old epsom salts, available in bulk at the drug store for just a few dollars per gallon 🙂
To maximize your feeling of wellbeing, don’t forget to round out your bubble bath ritual by slipping into your favorite chenille socks, fluffy slippers, comfy robe etc. You’ll be glad you did!
And I’ll just bet you have a refreshing facial mask hidden somewhere in your vanity too. Well? Make time to pamper your complexion too!
Or better still, why not share a relaxing few moments with your significant other, a glass of your favorite libations and an hors d’oevre tray for even more enjoyment and rejuvenation?
Get crackin’ and go splash in the tub!
It won’t take long and the rewards will be many! I promise…
Latest posts by annalee (see all)
- Burning More Stuff - January 19, 2009
- Bubble Bath Day - January 8, 2009
- Mens/Unisex Creations From SassyDLite - January 6, 2009
{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }
OMG, now I need to go home and have a bath……Lois
Great idea. This is cheaper than therapy.
oooh Anna Lee! I didn’t know you were a fellow fibromite!! See, our paths align in more than one way…. ;-))Gentle hugs,Wezz – http://cyberwezz.blogspot.com
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