Homage to our teachers

by valentinyotkov on December 23, 2008

Shortly before Christmas, the members of the National Silversmiths Guild in Bulgaria celebrate The Day of the Master. They pay respect to their teachers and express appreciation for their sharing of knowledge and experience. It is a heartfelt and beautiful way to say thank you.

At this most wonderful time of the year, lets remember our teachers, the people who gave us everything and taught us how to earn the bread on our table. Here is the Homage to my teacher Alexander Raiev which I wrote after he passed away in May of 1990. He will forever live in my heart and in the hearts of those who knew him.



Forgive me for not being at your bedside when you left this world. We didn’t finish our last conversation, and there was so much left to talk about, as always.

Did I ever thank you enough for what you taught me, for the difference you made in my life? Did I tell you that you were one of the greatest men I’ve ever known, and I loved you as much as I loved my own father?

I was so fortunate to inherit a portion of your wealth of knowledge and experience. You taught me not only how to work the metal, you taught me how to respect, and earn the respect of other people, how to make friends, and help others feel valuable and important. Our relationship was so precious, almost sacred –a relationship that can only develop between the Master and an apprentice.

I wish we could have our last conversation. I wish I could tell you:

Master, I treasure every moment of the time we’ve spent together.


Photos of Master Silversmith Alexander Raiev






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Finding Inspiration

by valentinyotkov on November 13, 2008

Finally, at the age of 50 I accepted the idea that life isn’t all about work. Not that I don’t absolutely LOVE what I do – few things make me happier than chasing some ancient design on a piece of gold or silver.

We spend a lifetime rushing from class to class, learning new techniques and proving that we are worthy of being called Masters. But there is one more ingredient needed to create art – that is INSPIRATION.

How often do we feed the soul that moves the hand that moves the hammer?!

I have “unleashed” my passion for travel and found the greatest inspiration. During the past three years many of my students joined me for workshops in some of the most beautiful countries in Europe. Those trips are truly inspiring and enriching for the soul. As my assistant says, “My first trip to Bulgaria changed my world”.

Here are some pictures from our trips. Enjoy the journey!
Valentin Yotkov

Bulgaria. Art and Culture Adventure

Denmark. Chasing and Repousse Workshop

Italy. Drawing and Shading Designs for Jewelry and Hollowware





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