Mad Skills

by margarita on October 21, 2008

I’ve kinda always prided myself on soldering skills.  Though I have the occasional troublesome piece I can usually figure it out without excessive frustration, as long as it doesn’t involve nickle alloys.* Today, though, I found my giant soldering psyche quoting Fezzik, “I don’t see why you give me so much trouble,” and truly feeling my man in black may win. 
Indeed, he did. Though his brothers happily soldered to jump rings for future earring he would have none of it. Jerk.
It seems to be due to the porosity of the particular casting.
I know lessons in humility are good, but I do wish he’d stop smirking at me.
 <—The man in black


*shakes fist in air grumbling “Nickle alloys!”




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