Etsy teams: eSMArts is featured!!

by dianegeisel on September 11, 2008

I thought I would share with you my latest newsletter:

As summer winds down there is a chill in the air in the evening and we begin to prepare for fall. The leaves have already begun to change color here in RI.

In my last newsletter I announced that I have taken on the responsibility of Social Marketing Director for the team eSMArts on Etsy.

Well, Etsy administration has taken notice of our efforts! This is a huge opportunity for my team to grow and makes sales! I invite you to take a look at the article currently running on the homepage of Etsy about my team!!!


The Etsy Social Marketing Arts Guild (eSMArts Guild) is a global collaborative of mixed media artisans intent on further understanding and applying eCommerce advertising and promotion techniques.

I am very proud on our team leader / founder, Ms. AnnaLee Husband for her insight and hard work to get us this feature spot so quickly as we are very young in terms of team “life”.

Martha Stewart promoted Etsy in a big way back on Fri Feb 29, 2008 on her show:

Etsy on the Martha Stewart Show
February 29, 2008 at 3:35 pm · Filed under Marketing, Press · By Kate Black
Rob Kalin from Etsy was one of the guests on Martha Stewart’s Leap Year show today!
The focus was on artwork made by members, including CubistLiterature & DesiraPesta — the shirt Rob’s wearing, The Black Apple — doll & painting, The Sweetest Pea — stuffed monster on the left, and ToyBreaker — screenprinted ties.

And Rachael Ray also featured Etsy :
Check out what she had to say on You Tube!

Regardless of the fact we are currently experiencing a few “growing pains” I am very proud of each and every member. We all make a difference~ together!!

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

kalicat September 17, 2008 at 11:35 am

I did not even know this team existed. Well done on the leader.xAwesome jewelryCatherine

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