Esmarts Team Challenge and BellaOnline

by dianegeisel on January 19, 2009

Jamie, our Esmarts Marketing manager has polled our team and asked what we would like to do for a springtime/Easter challenge? Here were our choices:

Butterflies butterflies and more butterflies! Use butterflies in some form in your project! 25%

Pastels! Pink, green, baby blue, yellow, all the great colors of the spring! Base your project on those pastel shades for something beautiful! 66%

Babies. Who doesn’t love a baby? Tie babies (human, furry, feathery, whatever) into your chosen project. 8%

When we tallied up the results it was clearly pastels. We could design anything we wanted as long as we used pretty pastel colors. Here is what I came up with. I posted it tonight to my shop. Candy jade in pink and green with pearls and pastel pink and green Swarovski opaque crystals all wrapped up with sterling silver. Thanks Jamie for coordinating this fun team event and I can’t wait to see who wins~ all those great entries….It’s going to be tough to decide….

Here is an update on my BellaOnline training…. I am set to graduate this Tuesday!! Yes I have managed a 97% on the quizzes and have kept up the required articles even during the Christmas and New Years holidays. I have been given moderator status for the Jewelry Collecting forum and continue to shape the site based on visitor feedback. If you have not already signed up for my newsletter here is the link to do so!
Scroll all the way to the bottom. You can also find this link on the bottom of any article I have written.

BellaOnline has a very strict policy regarding spam and keeping your email addresses private. The editors can not even see them! They never sell or trade this information and take your privacy seriously. So…. sign up to keep up to date on all the newest information.

Thanks to all those who visit me there!!

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

hello January 23, 2009 at 5:39 am

Diane, pink beads are beautiful. it would sure beat my other ornaments.Thanks for posting,Beading

TeriB January 21, 2009 at 8:34 pm

Very pretty necklace my friend but Van has informed me he has the winning entry! I don’t have mine done yet (I do actually have an idea though). I simply MUST get mine finished and submitted. Love your BellaOnline info! TeriTwitter: Teri_Bhttp://sandtcreations.etsy.com

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