November Blog-O-Sphere Think Tank – What is your Favorite Smell

by Robyn Hawk on November 22, 2012

November Topic:  What is your Favorite Smell?

While there are several smells that I really enjoy – the day after a rain storm -the smell of green and dirt in a forest – the ocean…

If I were to pick favorites it would have to be COFFEE!  

beans – brewed -ground – I love it in every form!

…and Coconut!  …specifically Toasted Coconut!

OK – see you next month – off to grab a cup of coffee and Coconut Macaroons 😉

Want a great recipe for Macaroons?

From Our Fearless Leader – Andes Cruz:

What is this new “Blog-o-Sphere Think Tank” thing?  Andes and several friends formed a group of bloggers…named “Blog-O-Sphere Think Tank”…we come together from different areas of life, ‘once a month’, to do a blog circle on a new but specific topic.  So, check back in once a month, or join us as we all write about the same topic, and hopefully we all post at approximately the same time , on the 20th of each month.  

We get a new and different topic each month which keeps it refreshing, and it is always  interesting, to read everyone’s unique take on a new idea or topic. It’s fun, light, and gets your mind going. Everyone has  different thoughts; so you might learn something, or open your eyes to new ideas . In any case, I hope you’ll visit all the blogs and have a read!

Andes Cruz:


Shannon Fell Off The Wagon Koochin

Beth Cyr

Barbara Donovan:

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