Contemporary Jewellery From Italy: Touring Exhibition Coming to the U.S on May 1st

by fortheloveofjewels on April 21, 2008

Velvet da Vinci
San Francisco
Alessia Semeraro
Brooch, Iron, Silver Gold Solder
Ute Kolar
Ring, Silver
Adrean Bloomard
Neckpiece 18ct Gold, Crushed Turquoise
During a quick trip to San Francisco this past week, I stopped in to Velvet da Vinci, a gallery of contemporary art jewelry. I was blown away by the quality and uniqueness of the work represented by artists from the US, Europe, Latin America and Japan. For anyone interested in seeing just how far some jewelry artists are stretching, this is the place to visit! I hope to add a few profiles on some of the artists that most intrigued me–so watch for those soon.
While I was there, one of the shop owners, Mike Holmes, mentioned that Velvet da Vinci will be the only U.S. stop for the touring exhibition of Italian contemporary jewelry, titled, Contemporary Jewellery From Italy which will be on display at the store from May 1st-June 8th.
The exhibition is put on by the Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo (AGC) which is a non-profit organization with the mission to support and promote the culture surrounding contemporary jewelry. This exhibit will show some of the best of contemporary Italian designers, many of whom according to the AGC, use ancient techniques and traditional materials to speak a new language. The exhibition has just finished touring in London, Kracow and Barcelona before it arrives in San Francisco for its final show.
If you are in San Francisco over the next month, this is a “must see” stop! And, be sure to say ‘hello’ to Mike, whose enthusiasm and passion for contemporary jewelry is contagious!
Thanks for stopping by!



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