by leessilver on October 19, 2008

I was creating large copper embossed pictures way too many years ago. I found that I could use the copper as a mold in which I would pour about ¾ inch of plaster. I would then finish the plaster to look like the copper. I was selling this pictures in local gift shops.

This picture is around 18 by 36 inches.

I was looking for a more permanent medium to create theses pictures when I discussed the problem with my buddy, Dee Morris. He suggested I look into lost was casting. Needless to say I asked what the heck is lost wax casting.
After an explanation of the process Dee gave me a hunk of wax. I carved a buckle or bola and he cast it for me.
WOW!!! I had a way to create jewelry. I never created another copper picture.


That led to a casting class with the Phoenix adult class. I found I could pour molten wax into the copper molds. I created a cowboy portrait buckle. I had it in a shop. A Doctor from New Jersey bought it and wanted to see all my work. By then I has seven designs. He ordered 10 each.

That was it. I was off and running and never looked back. I taught myself to solder, cut stones and make southwest jewelry. Eventually I added the pottery line.
By the way the original piece has been a bola and a buckle several times. I still have it and it is currently a buckle.




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{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Anne Bellissimo October 21, 2008 at 6:48 am

So impressive (pictures and jewelry). Creative and classic at the same time. Anne Bellissimo

Helen Hill October 20, 2008 at 12:11 pm

They are great pictures Lee, but I’m glad your buddy taught you about lost wax casting, because your jewellery is simply stunning! I always drool every time I look at your work.

Helen Hill

Hanuman October 19, 2008 at 5:17 am

The copper pictures are very cool Lee!

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