Just using the power of blogging to post this eBay listing. Will remove at the close of auction.
Here is the link to the eBay listing for detailed photos.
Farewell letter ( with Congressional seal ) from Pawnee Agency to their friend, neighbor, officer, and respected Indian Territories Clerk.
Included with this letter is the Civil war tax stamped photograph sent by Capt Reese Pickering ( while previously enlisted in the Civil War, 15th Ohio Infantry 1861-1865 ), to his wife Sarah in Blue Springs Nebraska ( She is shown in the second photo postcard ).
This is a farewell letter to a clerk for the Pawnee Agency, Indian Territory. The letter to the clerk, Captian Reese Pickering, expressing an affection for his service, and friendship as he prepares to leave the agency and head home to Blue Springs Nebraska.
Lewellyn E. Woodin, United States Indian Affairs, spoke highly of Capt Pickering. “I wish particularly to allude to the important services rendered to this agency by H.H. Arthur, superintendent and clerk, and Capt. Rees Pickering, clerk in charge at Pawnee, both of whom by the knowledge gained from long experience in the Indian service, have been of invaluable assistance to me in conducting the affairs of the agency.
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