by Allan Straton on September 16, 2014

I receive a lot of queries from people wanting to know more about Jewelry Cad Dream software since I first started blogging on WordPress.

A lot of the time I will reply on my smart phone and sometimes this can be in the early hours of the morning.

What I find is with the small input keys and my rather large fingers I sometimes (quite often) hit another key to the one I wanted to and of course get the spelling wrong.

Your brain is advance telling your fingers what you want to say and of course you go over every word and re read the text you want to send.

The phone gives you auto spell or highlights words that are obviously wrong or gives you three different suggestions that would suit your text in the direction it thinks you want to text.

You check it over and over again and then you press enter.

The text or reply goes and you read the text you sent. It goes viral on the internet


You read the text you sent in reply.

Suddenly you see spelling mistakes.

How does this happen.

I know I am over 60 but my eyes aren’t that bad.

I can spell good and my eyes aren’t that bad. I am trying to convince myself as I don’t wear glasses. It was called laser surgery.

When I send the text and it has gone it is posted forever on the internet.

At that point of sending the reply I cannot retrieve or edit it.

Is this an age related problem.

I never have this problem on my normal laptop, Only my so called phone. It might be smart but it makes me look dumb.

Yet I keep replying on my phone because  the  smart phone is convenient.

The phone is always with me.

I am addicted to it.

It is making me work 24/7.

Jean-Therese said in her article that I posted  that she has never seen anyone with technology addiction syndrome.

That is because it has altered our lives so much that everyone who uses these devices has it.

it is new, contagious and started in the 70s with the first virus called the big frame.

It then mutated into the virus called the desk top and floppy disks in different strains and worst of all programs.

The virus first took over the geniuses of the world, the university brains.

It transformed them into nerds.

It did not stop there.

Its next target was the small business owners of the world.

This virus was genius. The brainiest virus ever to hit the human race.

It spread faster than light all over the world.

It then mutated again into a virus called Dos and other strains.

As the old strains died naturally to the Darwin theory new more powerful strains appeared.

There is no cure.

Once you have this virus you have it for life.

The worst case scenario is that you pass it onto the next generation.

Your offspring is born and before they can walk they now show the classic symptoms.


One of my grandchildren. He’s not interested in me. Its the smart phone. Less  than 1 and he has the virus.

Tantrums, anger if they cannot get their way, lack of sleep, parents giving into them.

Its worse than sugar. They isolate themselves and show anti social behaviour that is associated to this virus.. They become self obsessed and argue but always want their parents to give them the latest stain because of social pressures..The latest virus is called the smart phone stain.

This is lethal.

Once you get infected by this it takes over your life and you have no chance of healing.

The human race is doomed.

What a way to go.

By the way it is 2.30am and I have the other human virus that is older than this virus in the back ground.

Its called the big screen. The TV  virus strain which can also attach itself to this virus and becomes a super bug.

So it is not my spelling at fault. Its my addition. The super bug.



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