Salmon and Peridot

by Pauline Tise on October 20, 2011

Well, this is the first piece I’ve made since moving to Fairbanks. It’s taking me much longer than I thought it would to set up my bench. Nothing like moving to show you how many tools you have though!

This necklace is an engraved copper salmon and peridot beads, I was glad I remembered my pearl tying lesson from school. I had been wanting to broaden my horizons at the bench, and when I saw these peridot I had to jump on them.

The overall theme of the necklace seems fitting to Alaska in the late summer and early fall too, with the copper river salmon.

Pauline Tise
I love making jewellery, and trying out new techniques. My favorite techniques are engraving, repoussage, and enameling, and I'm working on my stone setting skills. So many ideas, so little time. When not at my bench, I can be found playing or officiating sports, or looking for inspiration on the web. I am never just procrastinating ;-)
Pauline Tise

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{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Shelbeeray October 21, 2011 at 7:12 am

I like the salmon, you’ve referenced the Northwest Coast First Nations’ artistic styling, which definitely makes it even more appropriate for your new location!

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