My husband sent me this article on CNN ( that tries to warn the general populace to be careful when selling off gold to all the buyers who’ve sprung up over the last year. I’ve heard of “Gold Parties” in my area, where friends of mine are selling off their gold over drinks and hors d’oeuvres to someone who supposedly knows the industry. The moment I heard that, I went sick in the stomach, worrying that my lovely stay-at-home-mom friends were getting ripped off. On the other hand, I will admit that a small part of me almost feels like I’m missing the boat by not snatching up the chance to get in on the profit. But, it feels wrong to take advantage of this poor economy by offering up pennies on the dollar to folks who need to supplement their cashflow to pay for schoolbooks, diapers, or even groceries. Kudos to those who are offering up a fair price though.
Meanwhile, time in the studio is still slim, (I’m a stay-at-home mom myself, but my youngest only has school two mornings a week), but I do have four pieces in various stages of progress at the moment. I’m trying my hand at cabbing some reconstituted turquoise I picked up a few months back, and the stuff looks so vivid I keep wanting to eat it…
Yummmm! It’s going to be hard not to just paint an “m” on it once it’s finished. Meanwhile, I’m curious how this stuff is made. I’d love it if anyone out there has some links to info on it. The vendor explained that it is supposedly made out of the left over turquoise after the stones have been cut. I thought I’d play around with it as a friend I’m working with is starting up a web site devoted to natural and organic products and this might fall well into one of her categories, since it uses something that would otherwise just be left as waste. But I haven’t had time to really dig into the internet for more info on the stuff.
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