Wednesday, January 22, 2014
This blog has been exported and merged with the author’s blog on her newer site. Please go to to read more and follow current posts. Thank you!
While I didn’t blog it daily like I normally do, I was back at Rio Grande again this past week, for a three-day intensive on “Smart Tools to Help Grow Your Business,” taught by Marlene Richey, Julianna Silva, and Eugene Brill. This wasn’t the kind of class where I had pictures of projectsI had made […]
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
I know, I’m terrible at keeping up to date on this little blog. I was going to do a review on the entire trip to Rio Grande but getting online isn’t as common as it used to be when I was only doing the stay-at-home mom thing. It was easier once I started moonlighting in […]
Today was the last day of classes for this year’s Winter Workshop at Rio Grande in Albuquerque. For me, that meant the second day of the Casting Class with Phil Scott and Gregg Burgard (who has another web site out there too, for his beautiful glass art, but it is still trying to load in […]
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Today was the first day of Casting class at Rio Grande‘s Winter Workshop, being taught by Phillip Scott (who taught Intermediate Stone Setting when I was here last year) and Gregg Burgard. Phil’s link only takes you to his Rio Grande bio page, because Google didn’t want to yield up any other results for the […]
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Today was Day 2 of the Soldering class at Rio Grande‘s Winter Workshop, again taught by the incredibly clever (and easy on the eyes) Mark Nelson. While today only yielded one overall piece of jewelry, it covered a variety of techniques, solders, and more information on flux capacities (yeah, the geek in me almost typed […]
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Today was the first day of my Soldering class at Rio Grande‘s Winter Workshop. Technically you might say that I already “know” soldering, but after having taken classes at Rio Grande last year I became fully aware that what you can learn there is a different caliber of knowledge than what I was learning back […]
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
So this is the first new post being actually put up on my jewelry blog here at The Orchid Blogs Network. I hadn’t realized just how long I’d been neglecting it. Good thing it’s not a plant. I figure it’s appropriate that I don’t delay another day since I was in day 2 of Charles […]
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Welcome to the new blog for RaynStones! I find it ironic that I’m getting this blog up before I’ve finished the new design on the web site, so I’m not going to link to it just yet. Suffice it to say that I was doing web design before I started to make the move into […]
Gold Selling & Reconstituted Turquoise
My husband sent me this article on CNN ( that tries to warn the general populace to be careful when selling off gold to all the buyers who’ve sprung up over the last year. I’ve heard of “Gold Parties” in my area, where friends of mine are selling off their gold over drinks and hors d’oeuvres […]