listen to interviews with Michael online
Whaley Studios – Blog Talk Radio Interview January 21, 2010 http://www.blogtalkradio.com/whaleystudios/2010/01/21/metalsmith-benchtalk-with-michael-david-sturlin
Whaley Studios – Blog Talk Radio Interview October 15, 2009 http://www.blogtalkradio.com/whaleystudios/2009/10/15/Metalsmith-BenckTalk-with-Michael-David-Sturlin
- Craft Cast Interview with Alison Lee August 12, 2009 http://cdn3.libsyn.com/craftcast/CRAFTCAST116m_sturlin.mp3?nvb=20091107061642&nva=20091108062642&t=0110face77c2cc5cd0381
For 40 years I have been creating jewelry and adornments with precious materials.
I currently devote my time and energy to teaching applied techniques in the arts of goldsmithing, jewelry making, and professional development for studio artists.
Latest posts by michaelsturlinstudio (see all)
- Welcome to the Goldsmiths Studio - August 13, 2010